Emma Ratshin

Emma Ratshin


  • Teaching Fellow
  • Residential Advisor


  • Ethics and Leadership


  • BA, Amherst College

Emma Ratshin is an Ethics & Leadership Teacher and Residential Advisor at SEGL in DC. A proud alumna of SEGL (and SEGL's very first sending school, Lakeside), she graduated summa cum laude from Amherst College with a double major in Theater and Dance and Political Science. While at Amherst, she completed two senior theses, served as Editor-in-Chief of her campus satire publication, and was the first woman in a 70-year-old all-male a cappella group. She has just returned from two years as a Fulbright grantee teaching English in Taiwan. During her first year in Taiwan, she led a project-based English course at a public junior high school in a remote area. In her second year, she facilitated workshops and worked one-on-one with university students at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology as one of their inaugural English Teaching Fellows.