Ethically strong, internationally aware
On the morning of September 11, 2001, high school teacher Noah Bopp finished teaching his World History class, turned on the television, and learned of the unfolding tragedy that continues to affect our world. The next day, as he faced his students, he realized that the world had changed forever.
And yet our schools were still the same.
America - and the world - needed new leaders who were ethically strong and internationally aware. The time had come for a new educational model.
After years of planning, SEGL welcomed its first class of 17 students in Fall 2009. Another 17 came the following semester. These pioneers, along with their parents and teachers, made the School a successful reality.
Years later, nearly 1000 students have passed through the School’s doors, in three extraordinary cities on three continents. Our students graduate ready to create positive change in our world. They return home equipped with a greater understanding of themselves, inspiration for their college study, new leadership capabilities, and a network of lifelong friends. Distinguished guests from across the political spectrum regularly visit to speak with students. Each October, the School welcomes graduates and families for its annual Homecoming Weekend. And the venture projects that our graduates are creating have already begun to change our world.